Sunday, August 8, 2010

August Heat Wave

Here we are in the middle of August and it is just stinkin hot! The forcast for the next week has all triple didgets. This is just miserable! Not my favorite time of the year. A friend on Facebook pointed out that today is the opening of the football season, which indicates that fall is just around the corner. That made me feel better. Just a few more weeks of this misery and my favorite season will be here. God is good!

Tonight I am giving my yard a good soaking. Should have been doing this last week, too. Hopefully it will recover. Jacob was against it. For some reason he does not want the grass to grow. Whats up with that?

1 comment:

Debbie said...

BT looks forward to the yard turning brown. He has no plans on watering it. Something about him not wanting to do anything outside it this heat.....