OK, I have been gone a long time again! Jacob is kind of monopolizing the computer now that school has started. Also I have started walking 5 nights a week and it is kicking my butt! When I get home at close to 10:00 I am dead tired and can barely move. I learned the hard way to clean the kitchen before we walk or it will just not get done, and I hate to wake up to a dirty kitchen. Ugh!
Today is my Aunt Mary's Birthday. I think she is about, ummm 47 or something. Yes, 47. Anyway, she is a good aunt and does lots of nice things for my and my family. There is not too much I can do for her right now, so I am going to make her a fun coin purse. I took all my wool over to her tonight, but she was not home, so hopefully tomorrow she will have time to choose what color she wants. It is not much, but I hope she will like it. Happy "47th" Aunt Mary!
Wednesday was my last night to teach at church for a while. I promised Kim and myself that I would take a break for a while, after teaching for over a year. I know lots of peole teach and never quit, but I feel the need to be taught for a little while. Kim and I are carefully evaluating our church life and trying to decide where we belong and what God wants us to do. I am sure I will be back teaching soon though. This last quarter was a lot of fun. I taught the elementary girls. We had fun, sewing, crocheting, and cooking. Not to mention we made clothes pin dolls and all the while studied women of faith in the bible. Love these girls so much! I have some pix of Tabitha, Anna and Judith. We usually have Kaleigh too, but she was gone the week we made these brownies! I told the story while the girls cleaned up and then they served the brownies to
the members as they came out of class! The girls are all so sweet! Aren't they adorable?

Don't you just love Friday? Boy, I sure do. The whole day just feels exciting. From the minute I get up, until I finally fall into bed it feels like the best day of the week. Yay, Friday!!

Last Saturday I snuck in some fun time in downtown with some friends. I was really planning on
cleaning house and grocery shopping. But Amy called me and lured me out into the beautiful day. We visited the center of the universe. If you have never been, you have to check it out. Very mysterious-cool-awesome! Our down-town tour guide, Nellie, showed us her office near the top of a tall building. Then we just wandered around taking pictures and even encountered a nearly naked lady/person in a fountain. Yes, a real person! She had her hands over her uncovered private parts, but it was still a little more than I wanted to see. I did not take any pictures of her. Mainly because my camera had already run out of juice, but also because I don't really roll that way. :o) You never know what you will see down town!

Kim, my beloved husband, is off work again due to his holy foot. I guess it should be holey foot. I went into work late Tuesday so I could take him to the doctor for his wound care appointment. I tried to get the doc to tell us how much longer he would be off work. No luck. He would not commit. He cleaned Kim's foot up really good and gave us some honey to take home to use on it. It is called MediHoney. Wow. Honey. It smells just like regular honey to me. It seems to be helping too. :o) I sure hope he will be back to work soon. He is very bored sitting at home all week long. Poor Kim!
August is almost over...wow! Talk to you in September! Have a great weekend!
The honey cure is too cool. If only all meds where that sweet! It was nice seeing you last night. I am very impressed with you walking 5 nights a week. What a commetment! Love you lil sis!! XXOO
I'm proud of you for walking, too! Give me some of that motivation!!!
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