That is just what I did today too. Yesterday, I cleaned like mad. Cleaned just about everything (except my junk room!). It sure felt good to get it done. I sat down to knit in the clean house when I was finished. That was such a good feeling. House clean and quiet. Knitting going well.... then CRASH! No, not really "crash" exactly. I just dropped a stitch. I am working on a scarf for a friend. I have tried this scarf before, without success. I don't know why this pattern is so hard for me. I have trouble focusing on it and keeping track of where I am. Suddenly I have dropped a stitch and usually have to pull out 4 pattern repeats to get my stitch back. It really stinks! It is a slow pattern for me. My friend will love it, I hope. Maybe it will be ready for her by her NEXT birthday. I dont think Samanatha reads my blog anymore, so there is not much danger of her seeing this. If she does, well that is ok, too. Her birthday was a week ago. It may be 3 more months before I finish it. Sigh!

So that was yesterday. Today we went to church. It was our turn for the nursery and there was a sweet little month-old baby girl there named Juliette. She was ready for a nap when I got there. She went right to sleep in the rocking chair. It was so sweet to hold such a tiny baby again. Babis smell so sweet!
After church we had lunch and I sat down and pulled out about 8 rows of the knitting project and got back to a good starting point. Then I took a loooooong nap. That was awesome! I woke up too late for evening services. Jacob went to see a friend and Kim and I watched a movie he rented. It was a nice, quiet, restful Sunday. I hope you had one too!