Monday, January 24, 2011

Just a Short Note

Tonight I am going back to the gym for the first time since my surgery.  I have not been in 6 weeks!  Yikes!  I have to go back, I am feeling like I have lost my weight loss momentum. I suspect I have gained some of my 22 pounds back.  Panic! 

Not sure how this will work.  I am not used to be physically limited.  I like to compete with myself and get a better "time" on the treadmill.  I guess I just need to set the pace tonight.  A modest pace.  Then work at getting better every night. 

I hope you are all having a wonderful day!  I will try to update tomorrow about how this went.


Debbie said...

Boy do I understand this one! I think part of the challenge is staying motivated to keep trying when you know you can't do as much as before.

amy said...

I'm proud of you for going back to the gym! Way to go, Lisa!