I am really excited for tomorrow. Our fabulous RT 66 trip is all set. 5 of us are meeting at Amy's. We will travel RT 66 from Catoosa to Arcadia! So cool. Living right here in T-Town, I guess I have taken the "Mother Road" for granted. Even though the last ten years or so it has gotten a lot of press. My house is just a mile from RT 66. Pretty cool. We have some pretty neat stuff that seems RT 66-ish right here in our neighborhood! How about this classic sign? (yes, you can see a small State Farm logo to the right of the sign. Go SF! :o) )

Blurkers: You will be glad to know that you can now stop blurking and post "anonymously". Just choose the anonymous option, but please include at least your first name in your post, so I know who you are! You just don't have to register or anything.
Here are some pictures of the moon from the other night. Amy tried with her camera and had trouble, so I had to try too. This is the best I could do. It really looks more like a street light than the moon. I guess you need a better camera than ours to do it. Amy, maybe your new camera will be better! The first picture was taken from the car, it was still light outside and we were on the way home from work. I noticed there was a full moon and it made me dig the camera out! 

Then I had the camera in the back yard while Jacob fed the dogs. The camera makes the dogs really nervous, so I had to quit and go back inside so they would eat. It gets dark so quickly now! There was only about a half an hour between the two pictures. I hate it that the power lines get in my pictures. Why can't they bury them?

Finally, if you are feeling like your life is too busy, and you don't have the things you would like to have (I get that way now and then!). Check out the blog at http://www.tulsa2india.blogspot.com/. My minister and a friend are in India now on a mission trip. The are blogging from India. The pictures are awesome and the posts are very inspiring! The people there are so hungry for the word of God. I am so impressed with the work Daryl and Steve are doing there. It is amazing to read about and see pictures of the things they are seeing and doing and realize how different our lives are, but yet we are all the same in so many ways! We all need God, no matter who we are, what color our skin, or where we live.