Thursday, November 12, 2009

In need of inspiration....

So my big project is done. Now I am stuck. I just dont know what to do for Christmas gifts this year. I have been surfing the internet and thinking and thinking and all I get is the stuff I have already been making. I can do a few of those too, but I need a new, quick, easy, fun, felting idea. I think maybe tomorrow night I need to go to a few craft stores and breeze throught the books for some good ideas.

I did finish the changing pad tonight. I started quilting it Tuesday, and had to pull it all out Wednesday, because it was terribly crooked. I had intended to make a diamond pattern. But was having trouble figuring out how to make the stitches straight. Gigi suggested masking tape, so tonight I tried that, and it worked great! Here is a picture of it with most of the masking tape on. I just sewed in the narrow space between the pieces of tape. Gigi is brilliant!

This is how it looks after the diagonal quilting was done. As I went along the fabric must have stretched some because it ended up a little bit "wracked". Not too bad though. I hope Zoe wont mind!

So here it is all rolled up so it will fit neatly into the diaper bag. I even found my courage and crocheted this sweet little chain out of my tiny ball of left over yarn so that it can be tied up and kept in place. It took courage because I don't crochet!

Ahhhh! Happiness is a finished project! Now, what's next?


amy said...

You totally, rock, Lisa!!!

too, too cute!

I've been looking for gift ideas, too. I think I may have found something. It looks like it will be easy, and that's good since I am limited on supplies and my own space!

nellie rae said...

love it! good job. you rock.

debbie said...

Nice job sis.

Anonymous said...

Great job on the diaper bag and changing pad! I got to see it in person tonight. So cute! You are amazing with the knitting and felting (and now quilting!).
