It was such a nice day...as far as the weather goes! I spent part of my evening outside on the deck with the pets. They even let me take a few pictures. I was trying to get a picture of a bird I saw from the window, but of course he disappeard when I came outside. The dogs were very interested in posing for me, so here is your friendly backyard crew! The biggest and sweetest is Clyde, we call him Bubba most of the time. He is such a big lazy goof! The only time he gets in a hurry is when he thinks there is food on the line. He hardly ever barks, but when he does it is a deep rusty sound. Like his voice is cracking. And you know when you hear him that there is something going on, and you should get up and see what it is!

Then there is his bratty energetic sister, Bonnie. She barks all night and runs around like a crazy dog! She never seems to run out of energy. It makes me tired to watch her move! We filled up a kiddie pool for them in the back yard and Bubba won't do anything but drink from it. Bonnie will get in, but not if you are watching her. It is almost like she is being modest! Ha! Bonnie will chew up anything you leave in the back yard. Very destructive. I think Bubba is too lazy to chew on anything that does not taste good.
I am very thankful for my pets. They really keep things interesting. I don't know why, but I really enjoy them, even when they cause trouble. Like this weekend when they escaped the yard at least 10 times! It was very frustrating. We spent nearly $50 buying supplies to repair the fence and keep them inside. But every time we thought we had it fixed, they would be out again, laughing at us! They never ran away, just broke out and visited the neighbor dogs till we called them back in. Then they would run up to me and look at me like, "Oh, Hi Mom! We got out and visited Lucky, Zippy and Barney! Woof!" All the time, Lucky, Zippy and Barney (the neighbors dogs) are barking to raise the dead. Like they are cheering Bonnie and Clyde on to victory! I sure wish I knew what they were thinking about!