Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow...

Well, it is officially over. Staycation is finished. It was the best. So fun. Tuesday I went to Amy's to splash in her pool. It went without saying that we would not take pix of each other at the pool. That would be a very bad thing! But I took this picture at church Sunday while we were waiting in line for lunch, so you will have to imagine us more casual, much more casual, lounging at the pool. Amy made a mermaid body print on the pavement. That girl is so creative! Even when she is laying out at the pool, she is making art! Sammy SMOR and her SMORette Anna Kay joined us for a few splashes too.

When we got too hungry to swim, we hauled my sunburned self back to Amy's to change clothes, then we went to Ted's for lunch. So yummy! Thanks Amy for a fun day!

Today it was back to work. Ugh! I was so tempted to call in sick to work today. But I forced myself out of bed and hauled myself in to the job. I was really tired! I put my nose to the grindstone and paid the price for being gone for two measley days! I had 50 unread email in my inbox and several calls to return. And the stack of paper had really managed to multiply on my desk. To top it all off. My boss hired a new person. He started today and spent the day with the boss.
Tomorrow my boss is on vacation. So I will be working with the new person. That will mean more time away from my actual work. Oh well! I get paid the same no matter what! And, my boss left me his credit card to buy our lunch tomorrow! Free lunch is a very happy event in my book. And no work on Friday. More happiness!
God is good... all the time. All the time... God is good!!


nellie rae said...

im jealous of your work space! i'll trade you! :0
its hard to go back to work after being off...its hard to go back to 'reality'. thank goodness for a paycheck though...especially now days.
just think, today is our friday! very much looking forward to a three day weekend!

amy said...

i had a great time, too! too bad we can't all be off work at the same time!

i hope you went to a really good place for lunch since the boss was paying!!!