This heat has really got me zapped. I almost napped at my desk today. It was close to 90 degrees in our office at 5:00 today. This is just nasty. Tomorrow promises to be worse. Sigh. In spite of the heat, I had a great weekend.
Saturday we had just finished getting Jacob's hair cut when Amy called to see if we would go to the flea market with her. We jumped at the chance and met her there around 10AM. There was lots to see! I saw this beautiful quit. Love, love, love quilts. Especially old ones. I have a really old one that my great aunt and grandmother pieced when they were young. It is so special to me. I will post a picture of it for you sometime. I especailly love the fabrics used in old quilts. It is so special to think that it probably used to be a dress or a shirt that got worn out. I love that they used every scrap they could find! I wish I knew the story behind all the fabrics. If my Grandma was still alive I would ask her! I wonder whose Grandma made this one?
Yesterday, Sunday, I helped Amy set up for VBS at church. We had to make the stage look like a
camp site. We added a campfire and some other touches after this picture was taken. Jacob even left one of his precious fishing poles there as a prop. I asked him if he had one that was not important. He said, "no, they are all important!" He acted like I should have known that! Amy and I decided VBS campsites are more work than real ones. I think it was Daryl who pointed out that you dont have to move trees at real campgrounds. So true! Trust the preacher to come up with the obvious, but overlooked truth!

Wow! We spent a lot of time together this weekend, didn't we? LOVED IT!!!
When I got to VBS this morning the mountains and the trees had fallen over onto the tent! Yikes! So now there is a big stack of songbooks propping them up!
so jealous of all the time spent together!!! we need to all get together soon and play. :) you girlies did a great job on the stage. loved it!!!
sounds like you two had a great time! so FUN! and the VBS stage looks saWEET! great job you two!
i love vintage quilts too...just too cool how much time and heart went into them...dont come across stuff like that any more. very cool treasures.
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