Friday, July 17, 2009

Chandler Park

In an effort to find a picture to submit for my friend Nellie's Weekly Photo Challenge ( Jacob and I took a little field trip yesterday. We drove out to a park from my past. Chandler Park in West Tulsa. When I was a little girl, my mom would take us there to play and picnic. It has always been beautiful, but I love it more than ever now! I have not had a picnic there in 35 years. I hope that I will do something about that soon! One of these photos was my submission. Check out Nellie's blog to see which one! Jacob entered a picture too. He totally stole my original idea, but I love him anyway, and I am glad he participated!
The picture of the right is our shadows on the rocks. I was not sure if you could identify us or not!

Kim has a fond {insert odd} memory of that park too. His mom worked not too far from there when he was a munchkin, so I guess they spent some time there. He has a very odd memory, that Jacob and I are convinced was a dream, but he insists it was real. There used to be a big old rock Armory there. Kim insists that there were monkeys that lived on the roof of the armory! I giggle every time I think about it. We have asked every one we know if they remember monkeys there, no one does. Big surprise, honey... No monkeys... It was a dream!

I strongly encourage you to visit when you have a few hours to kill. Drive straight west on 21st street. Keep going past the river and proceed past all the oil drums. Classic Tulsa stuff! You can't miss it. The words "Chandler Park" are written in white stone on the side of the hill!

Thanks Nellie for giving us an excuse to go back to nature. From the photos submitted, I think everyone else had a good time finding their picture as well. I will say it again. Check out the photo challenge and join the fun. I am sure Nellie would love to see what you see!


amy said...

i want to go to chandler park!!!! it looks like a place i would love!

Lisa Howe said...

We should go sometime! sometime soon.

nellie rae said...

very cool pics lisa! i want to go too!