Grams says that when we got off the airplane, Danny and Debbie remembered her from when she came to visit, they went right to her for a hug. I was too shy. I was only 18 months old and very much a momma's girl. That does not seem like a big surprise. The second part of the story is that Grams quickly found her way into my heart. Or rather, my stomach. She literally bribed me with food. Thanks Grams! My battle with weight had already begun! I have a few memories from when we lived with Grams, but I am not sure which time I am remembering. We stayed for a while when we first arrived. The memory that I think belongs there is that I would sit in the long hallway between the kitchen and the den and play with a deck of cards. I also remember playing under the dining room table while Grams and her friends played cards. Going to sewing club meetings with Grams. They used their dues to send an underprivelaged child to summer camp. Somewhere along the way we moved to some apartments. They are on 21st street in West Tulsa. Very close to the river. I remember that our apartment had stairs and I have a vivid memory of crawling up the stairs, then sliding down on my belly. I remember watching my brother and sister play on the playground from the upstairs window.
Oh yes, this is important. I learned a new word while we lived there. "molested". That is pretty much all I really remember. I guess some old pervert who lived there got hold of my sister and I. I dont know what he did. I just remember learning the word, "molested". In the true way of the old days, this was not discussed for years and years. Seems like someone would have asked us if we needed to talk about it. Nope. Many years later, as an adult, I was not sure if it was a real memory or something that happened to someone else. So I asked my Aunt Mary. She confirmed it, but did not know what had happened either. To be honest I am not sure anything happened to me or not. Maybe it was just my sister? I don't really feel scarred or affected by it, but it just seems like it should have been a monumental event. Hello? If someone did that to your kid now there would be a media circus. Oh well. I guess it is just one more short blip on the radar of my life. But at least I was acquiring an impressive vocabulary!
After that, we lived back at my Grams for a while. You will begin to notice a theme. In my life, all roads lead back to that house...always. Then we moved across the street from her. What do I remember about that? The house was tiny. I think just two bedrooms. The most amazing thing was that it had this super awesome chimney on the outside. I will try to get a picture of it to post. It was very stylish and original. Like a work of art on a tiny little piece of nothing house. I don't know how long we lived there, but I remember that our land lord was Mr. Bradshaw, and I thought he was handsome.

Thats all for today.... Have a wonderful weekend! Will add pictures later....
Oh yes, this is important. I learned a new word while we lived there. "molested". That is pretty much all I really remember. I guess some old pervert who lived there got hold of my sister and I. I dont know what he did. I just remember learning the word, "molested". In the true way of the old days, this was not discussed for years and years. Seems like someone would have asked us if we needed to talk about it. Nope. Many years later, as an adult, I was not sure if it was a real memory or something that happened to someone else. So I asked my Aunt Mary. She confirmed it, but did not know what had happened either. To be honest I am not sure anything happened to me or not. Maybe it was just my sister? I don't really feel scarred or affected by it, but it just seems like it should have been a monumental event. Hello? If someone did that to your kid now there would be a media circus. Oh well. I guess it is just one more short blip on the radar of my life. But at least I was acquiring an impressive vocabulary!
After that, we lived back at my Grams for a while. You will begin to notice a theme. In my life, all roads lead back to that house...always. Then we moved across the street from her. What do I remember about that? The house was tiny. I think just two bedrooms. The most amazing thing was that it had this super awesome chimney on the outside. I will try to get a picture of it to post. It was very stylish and original. Like a work of art on a tiny little piece of nothing house. I don't know how long we lived there, but I remember that our land lord was Mr. Bradshaw, and I thought he was handsome.

Thats all for today.... Have a wonderful weekend! Will add pictures later....
When you want to know more about what happened ask me. It took me years, but I remember parts of it now. Aunt Mary was baby sitting us and as usual that meant we were to STAY outside. Nothing happened to you.
I agree all roads lead to Grams house.
wow. i don't know what to say.
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