I sometimes find the end of January to be a very boring. Early in the month is time for a fresh start. By this time, my fresh start has run out of gas.
I am fighting off the January Blah's with a new project. :o) Happiness! I have added a twist to my coin purse. I added a liner. I went to Hancock's on Saturday and found the most adorable fabrics, along with a new source for happy wool yarn. I found a beautiful yellow wool. I don't currently have any yellow, it all looks too gold in the store, so this was exciting for me! Here are three of the most adorable fabrics I found Saturday. 

I only let myself get three this time (along with two remnants) because I was not sure if I would like putting linings in them. It was a lot more work. Still not really sure how I feel about it. The other"issue" is that I decided ahead of time, that for once, I wanted to make one for myself. That is right. I don't have one yet! I wanted this to be my camera case. And there was the rub. Adding the liner, tightens up the opening. There is no "stretch" or "give", and my camera won't fit! So I will be using this as a coin purse, My credit cards and drivers license fit perfectly. And will make another, slightly larger one for my camera! I was thinking about making it black with dots so that it coordinates, but is still different than this version. 

that is stinkin' cute!!!! i love it!
I thought it looked like it had lining when I saw the picture on facebook last night. Really cute colors and polka dots.
Love the coin purse. The circles of color are cool.
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