Back to work today. We finished the year at work with only very slightly better numbers for 2009 than we had for 2008, so at least my boss had to give us props for finishing strong. Oh how I wish, I wish, I wish I could make a good living at home. I so want to be a homemaker. However, we have bills to pay, and we do like to eat, so to work I go. Today was not too bad as far as my job goes, I had a life application that I had saved from last month that I submitted today, so that starts the month and the year off on a good note.

Hope you had a good day if you had to work, if not, well, I still love you. Now I have a serious problem. My decorations are still up and I dread taking them down. How trashy would it be to leave them for next Christmas? Trashy, or forward thinking?
Here are some pictures that I took during December and never posted.

Abbey's birthday gift, commissioned by Jacob (above)
A gift for a friend.
These are from inside the house on Christmas day. I have to tell you I was thrilled to have a white Christmas. A serious, real, white Christmas. Not a whimpy dusting of snow thingy. The real deal. Loved it. I had no where I had to be, so I stayed home and knitted, read and cooked my favorite things.This was an awesome sight! Beautiful!
Bonnie and Clyde loved playing in the snow, as long as they got to sleep in the garage.
Hope you had a good day if you had to work, if not, well, I still love you. Now I have a serious problem. My decorations are still up and I dread taking them down. How trashy would it be to leave them for next Christmas? Trashy, or forward thinking?
i know it's a pain, but you really should put your decorations away. they won't have the same magic next year at christmas if you've looked at them all year long!
i wish i could be a homemaker, too!
I cheated. I never put mine up this year.
Well, Debbie, that ship has sailed. I did put them up and now they have to be dealt with. I think you should come help me put them away! That would be your penalty for not putting yours out, and my penalty for putting mine out. I think Amy is right. It will lose its charm if I leave it out past this weekend. It is already wearing on me. :o)
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