Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thanks Honey!

My husband dusted all the furniture for me yesterday.  That was an additional item off my list!  Woo hoo!  Thanks, Kim!  I cleared the clutter off the dining room table.  So two things off my list.  Jacob does not work tonight, so I can have him move the stove and the fridge away from the wall and clean under those tonight.

Remember back (come back with me) when you were pregnant?  Were you one of those "nesters"?  Shortly before my due date, I found myself on my hands and knees, scrubbing the baseboards with a toothbrush.  If you did not know me then, I was huge.  A whale!  Jacob was a very large baby and I am not a tiny girl, by any means!  Crawling around the living room behind the furniture was not a pretty picture!  Ha!

Anyway, that is sort of how I feel now.  Like I need to prepare the nest!  My sister says she did the same thing before her recent surgery.  Maybe it is just something women do before they go to the hospital????

I need to get some books to read.  I am stocking up on yarn for knitting projects, but I desperately need something to read.  I hate to go to the library since getting the books back will involve me asking someone else to take them back for me.  Me asking for a favor is difficult.  Yes, another personality flaw that I could stand to get rid of.  I still have a hard time thinking that that sort of attitude is bad.  Self reliance, and independence are good qualities, right?  I guess that is not always true.

OK, so one week out from the surgery.  This week will fly by. 

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