Well, it is over again. Another weekend gone. Sigh! I did get a little housework done this time, but mostly I knitted, shopped and played at the mall with the Heinen's.

I did take a little time to stop by the nursing home to visit my mom today. Before I tell you about my visit with her, I will tell you a little about her. Sorry Debbie, you know this stuff already. Feel free to skip to the next paragraph. My dear momma is afflicted with Schitzophrenia. I hope I spelled that right. Oh well. She got only a small amount of time to mother me before we were whisked away from her, for our well-being. I don't question that decision, but I can only imagine how agonizing that was for her. I only recently found out that she fought for us all the way to the Oklahoma Supreme Court. There is an acutal Supreme Court Decision with our name in it. Sad to have had my 15 minutes of fame and not to have even known about it for all this time. Anyway, she fought, and lost. She moved on and did her best, which was sad for her tortured mind. Once, she was a beautiful, smart, talented young lady. But she was never able to meet her potential because of her illness. She has been living in a nursing home for several years now. I feel a bit guilty because I get caught up in my life and often forget to spend time with her. Conversations with her are a true adventure! I am never sure what will pop out of her mouth, or what name she will call me. A talk with my mother would never bore you!

I did take a little time to stop by the nursing home to visit my mom today. Before I tell you about my visit with her, I will tell you a little about her. Sorry Debbie, you know this stuff already. Feel free to skip to the next paragraph. My dear momma is afflicted with Schitzophrenia. I hope I spelled that right. Oh well. She got only a small amount of time to mother me before we were whisked away from her, for our well-being. I don't question that decision, but I can only imagine how agonizing that was for her. I only recently found out that she fought for us all the way to the Oklahoma Supreme Court. There is an acutal Supreme Court Decision with our name in it. Sad to have had my 15 minutes of fame and not to have even known about it for all this time. Anyway, she fought, and lost. She moved on and did her best, which was sad for her tortured mind. Once, she was a beautiful, smart, talented young lady. But she was never able to meet her potential because of her illness. She has been living in a nursing home for several years now. I feel a bit guilty because I get caught up in my life and often forget to spend time with her. Conversations with her are a true adventure! I am never sure what will pop out of her mouth, or what name she will call me. A talk with my mother would never bore you!
So on with my visit. She was taking a nap when I got there. I hated to wake her up, but I don't get by there as often as I should anyway, so I woke her up. She told me she has a little problem. She is down to only ONE SET OF CLOTHES!!! It seems the laundry eats up, not just her socks (Amy!), but entire articles of clothing. Just a few months ago I bought her several outfits. The cost was reimbursed by her payee. Now I need to get back to the store to shop for her. But she has no money this time, and I have extremely limited funds, so I need to get creative. Last time I bought at a consignment store. There was only one problem, she can't get out to shop with me, and they don't take returns. So what I buy, we keep. I suspect the problem may be the same at a thrift store. So I think I will turn to my old friend Wal-Mart. I will try to get her at least one outfit this week, and maybe next week, one more. Then she will have a whopping total of 3 outfits. But if I try to get her something once a week, maybe she will at least have something for back up when the laundry eats her pants!
I was originally shopping consignment because I thought the quality would be better. However, if they disappear quickly, what does it matter how nice it was? So my executive decision is sweats. Durable, colorful, cheap and comfortable. She told me she does not like sweats, but I think I have to be the voice of common sense here. Does anyone have any brilliant flashes of wisdom to help with this quandry? I think I will get the most bang for my buck at Wal-Mart, so I will scout that out tonight on the internet. I will let you know how it goes. Have a happy week!
thanks for sharing that story. i never knew that about your mom. you look just like her...same beautiful smile!
I'm glad you shared that story, too. I've never seen your mom before, but I like her already! I'm sorry her clothes keep disappearing.
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