Here is Joey's luxury vacation condo.
Next, is Squirt, the Guinea pig. I am terrified of mice and to me a Guinea pig is just a large mouse without a tail. So I was really nervous about having this pet in our home. Jacob promised to be responsible for him. I had no plans to touch him or hold him. But.... last night while watching him feast on a red bell pepper, I had a weak moment! He was so cute. I held out and did not actually touch him till this afternoon. But I finally had to admit that he is adorable. I have not held him yet, and I doubt I will, but I will acknowledge that he is cute, and not really mouse-like. He sure likes peppers!
Here is Squirt chillin' in his "mobile home."
So that really just leaves the kitties. I don't have any pictures of them now, but maybe I will try to get a few tonight. There is no doubt that I will see Socks. He is quite sociable, we will have to say hello to Beasley because he has to get a shot of meds twice a day, but the mysterious Claire will most likely not make an appearance at all. We have only ever seen her one time in several pet sitting visits. I guess she does not like us much. What's not to like?
I'm glad you think squirt is cute! You'll be cuddling with him before you know it!!!
i have the strangest desire to call you dr. doolittle. hee hee. okay i think i'm totally caught up on reading your blog. we did have lots of fun last weekend, didn't we? i must've missed that call from you and ames about going to loops though....hmmmmmmmmm. :)
Joey looks like Pete! Does he whistle? Pete loves to whistle. As loud as he can at the first hint on sunlight. Sure makes it hard to sleep in! Did I mention that Pete can whistle loud? : )
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