Finally finished decorating! I had some good help in the elementary hallway from my partner in crime, Mattie, her husband James, and my Auntie Mary. Thanks guys! VBS starts Weds. Hopefully we will have a lot of neighborhood kids! Lots of people put in many hours of work. I counted my hours, I was there about 16 hours in all and I know many others were there much longer, and probably still are! I guess they just do this once a year so you will have time to forget how much work it is! We made a volcano and some dinosaurs. Wish we had more time to work on that area. Couls have used some clouds and maybe some more lava!

Finally the finished Fish hall that was my favorite part, and we spent more time on it than the other part.

Love this funny fish!
Confession time... I have not walked in a solid week! I am so tired from VBS prep, I can't get it together. Next week, for sure!
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