Since I don't have any cute pictures to go with my church building/brownie adventure, here is a picture from Susan M's back yard. She has these faces on one of her trees. Fun!
For those of you who have never been to Susan's house. Her back yard is AWESOME! Ok, her whole house is amazing! She and Mike did most all of the work themselves too! Have a good Wednesday!
As soon as we got off work, we went next door with our ugly hands and feet. This was a special treat for both of us. Neither of us has the budget for this kind of activity. I was a little unsure of what to think. First, they led us to these huge chairs with basins at the base to soak our feet.
Turns out those chairs are massage chairs. Oh, the bliss! Actually, I was not wild about the massage part, but Vicky loved it. Two nice ladies came to get us started. I can't remember what the name was of Vicki's person, but my lady was Lisa! Cool huh?
They started with an ice scrub, it was not ice. I was happy :o) to hear that! It was actually some sort of crystals... maybe coarse sea salt? Next was a clay mask. The mask was green, and smelled really nice. It made our legs look funny. We looked like Incredible Hulks! Lisa did a great job massaging my hulk-legs. It was soooo relaxing!Next came what I was really expecting all along, the scraping and callous removing. Let me tell you that it was like Edward Scissor Hands was sitting at my feet! The junk that was on my feet was disgusting! I thought I did a pretty good job of managing this myself, but apparently, I stink and pedicures. I guess that works out all right, as I do OK selling insurance. :o) Then we proceeded to the toe nail painting.
Vicki had adorable little flowers painted on her big toes. Her feet looked fabulous! But by the time she finished and was led to a chair for her manicure she could hardly walk because she was so relaxed from the pampering and massaging! Fun! They put us both into funny, green disposable flip flops so we would not ruin our toes. We finished our adventure at the manicure tables. I chose to have my nails painted the same color as my toes. Vicki went for a natural look. We were both very pleased with the results. We are also both very thankful for this special treat!
Jacob was very impressed with the disposable flip-flops and decided they were his to wear. Unfortunately, while I do have a large foot--size 10--Jacob wears a size 15 and the flip flops could not withstand the trauma of his feet! I wish you could have seen him strolling around the house wearing these! Very funny! He can be such a clown!
It seems like God gets His paint brush out and uses all my favorite colors. I can't help but smile :o) when there is scenery like this in front of me. Thank you, God for the beauty you have blessed us with! And just to think that it has only begun. The next weeks will see many changes in our world. I have a feeling that the trees will be the best part.
This time of year, for some reason, my mind starts to shift towards getting myself organized and creating order in my life and my home. I need to start with a day of serious house work. My favorite time to do that is when Kim takes Jacob camping and I have the house all to myself. I do like to camp, but I don't get many opportunities to have the house to myself either. I am really starting to look forward to a few days like that. I will have to start hinting to the guys about some father/son bonding!
Tomorrow I have a special treat! My boss is treating my co-worker, Vicki, and I to a manicure and pedicure at the salon next to our office. I guess it is some sort of deal he worked out with the owner of the salon. Anyway, I will take some pictures, if Vicki will cooperate, and post them tomorrow!
So now I will proceed to start my Saturday. Today, I plan to clean house and watch the OU/Texas game. Go Sooners! Have a good one!