I recently (a few weeks ago) opened a "facebook" page. It seemed fun and I thought maybe I would find some old friends. I did too! I found the "little" girl I used to be a nanny for about 20 years ago!! I searched for her, found someone with her name and sent her a note. I really thought nothing would come of it, but I just looked at my page and it was her!! I am so excited to find her! Her name is Shannon. She was the most adorable little girl EVER and I loved her so much. While I lived there they had a baby too. Her name is Mary. It tore my heart out when I left Virginia to come back home. I think I probably left two slices of it there with Shannon and Mary.

So that was cry number one! Whew! I had barely just gotten myself back together when I decided to check my blog. I had begun to suspect that Amy was the only person (thank you for caring, Amy!) who ever reads my blog. I was about to give it up, because I feel sure Amy has better things to read. My life is really boring and who cares, right? But I decided to go back and look it over again and there was a message from my big brother. He actually posted a comment on my blog!!! Sniff! Sniff! Sniff! Sob! Gulp! Danny, if you ever find your way back here again, I love you too! I miss you more and more as we get older. Remember all the fun stuff? Halloween in the hood? Remember when you would trip little kids and steal their candy? You were such an awesome big brother because you never cried when Deb and I beat you up! Hugs to all you Hamil-people up in PA! Love you all! I love this dorky picture of us from 1986!! Yes that is me in the ugly glasses. That is Danny in the middle and my favorite sister Debbie. Love that sofa too!

So here I am, all cried out. Posting yet another entry on my blog. I guess I will keep blogging away. You never know who might be reading.
that is so awesome that you found shannon! i know how you feel. about 5 years ago i reconnected with my best friend from 5th grade. we were inseparable until i moved at the end of 8th grade. i thought i would never find another friend like kristy {boy was i wrong! god is so good!} anyway, we somehow found each other and actually had lunch together when i was in dallas for a conference!
i didn't realize you were such a bawl-bag! :) that's sweet. i love reading your blog! and i love you, lisa.
Thanks Amy. I was just having one of those moments. Feeling isolated and alone. Probably just more 40 year old woman stuff. Just you wait. You will be old like me someday! I'm glad you read my blog. Someone should. Now I have two readers, you and my brother! I don't know if I can count him. He probably only logs on twice a year.
sorry. haven't been reading ANY blogs. trying so hard to get things done in my life. but, i do love reading your blog when i get the chance. love how you share, girlie. and love you loads and loads!!! :)
Gigi, don't ever feel obligated to look at my blog!! I don't want it to be a chore. I do it becuase I like it. If I ever feel it is pointless, or not benefiting me in some way, I will just quit. If no one reads and enjoys it, it will just have to be my blog for me. My on-line diary. If a million people read it and enjoy it, that will be good too! Do what you need to be doing.
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