I was about eight years old when I first remember meeting her. I was living at Turley Childrens Home and had probably been living there for about a year. I'm sure I met her my first day there, but I don't remember much about that very bad day. So, after a year there I had the opportunity to earn some extra money. She worked as the secretary in the office there. I was allowed to go there 2 or 3 days each week after school and clean and run errands for the office workers for some extra money, I think it was all of a dollar a week or something like that. It felt like a fortune to me!
This was exciting on several levels. First, money. I had NEVER had money of my own. We did get fifty cents a week allowance, but we were only allowed to spend one quarter each week. That money went fast on candy at the snack bar. Second, boredom. We were not allowed to watch much television so we always had to play outside every day. We did not have bikes or toys (not many anyway). So it was not much fun. Third, importance! I felt very special for the first time in my life. Bobby (my future mom) was so nice to me. She taught me how real ladies act, dress, talk and work. Some of that I have forgotten, but most I do remember. This arrangement went on for several years.

Bobby was a dedicated Christian. I had already accepted Christ and been baptized when I went to live with them, but she taught me what that really meant. Along with her husband, my dad, Art, I learned how to put others first and how a Christian takes care of others. She lived her religion every day that I knew her. I have never met anyone like her since.
I thanked her many times over the years, but I don't know if I ever made her understand how much she did for me. That gift has compounded itself many times over the years. I think about her every day. I am sure she is enjoying her reward in heaven very much. If there was ever a woman on earth who deserved that, it was her! Thank you mom. Thank you for the good, Godly advice (I still wish I could get more!), for the wedding dress, for doing my taxes, for loving that dirty, giant oaf of a kid I was, for the Godly example, mostly, just thank you for the love. Good bye.
Bobby Ann Crites Pooler 10/07/1935 to 09/04/2008.
wow, lisa. what an incredible story. i'm so glad you shared. i'm also very glad that she took you into her life, because i probably wouldn't know you now if she hadn't! and what a loss that would be for me.
Lisa , I also look back at that time , usually when thinking about my children . I thank God for my time in that home . i was older and on a path that was not the one that ,thankfully landed me where I am today. I was in fifth grade when we moved their , I had already been brought home by the police at two in the morning. Their was no direction in our lives no guidance no discipine etc. etc. The home gave us those as well as surrounding us with kids from stable home enviorments through the private school we were allowed to go to. GCCA and church 3 times a week is what I beleive gave me the direction I needed . THANK GOD for turlley childrens home and GCCA. I think I probbably Owe them my life deffinetly the one I have now and the one I am givving my children. Love you sis
I am so excited you read my blog!! I am thankful for that place too. Even though it made me cry myself to sleep every night when we first went there! Looking back now, I know God was watching over us. It seemed so bad and so tragic to be there, but it was really such a blessing in disguise! I love you too! You just made me cry!!
lisa!! i had no idea that you were at turley's. how did i not know that??? i love this story. i am so glad that God had a plan for you and that He put Bobbie in your life. i am so blessed by the path that you were guided down because i get to have you in my life!! love how God works!!!
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