She looks better in them than I do. Probably because she can wear eye makeup! Besides my eyes, I have a funky scaly rash on my cheek. So this was not a good day, appearance-wise.
On a more positive note, I am trying to decide what my next felting project will be. I kind of want to make a larger bag this time. Maybe a purse. I am looking for some fun patterns to choose from. Of course, I will share when I am done or maybe even before I get started.
Jacob is spending the week in detention You will never believe why... He was in the hallway at lunch time, tapping on the wall or a cabinet or something. It was that annoying rhythmic tapping that kids all do these days. The teacher told him to quit and he did. Then about 5 minutes later he got distracted and started doing it again. So she wrote him up and he got called in to see the counselor who told him that because he was written up 2 weeks ago for being disruptive in his Oklahoma History class that he will now have to spend 4 days in ISI, which is detention. All the school day he will be out of class and sitting in a special class where he has to work on homework. Personally. I think that is ridiculous. 4 full days for tapping? Seems a little out of line. Back in the "olden" days when I was in school, you know when we had horses and buggies? Yes, well we would get an hour of detention if we annoyed a teacher. But a full 4 days??? He is missing out on classroom instruction while this is happening. I think this is really bogus. To be honest, I think they should have given him swats or something. He needs to be in the classroom!
i can't believe it! i'm beating ames again!!!! hootie hoo!
4 days does seem a bit excessive for "tapping." i'm with you. give him swats or an hour before or after school. but 4 days? really? how does that improve his attitude?
oh. and absolutely love your picture substitute. ab would kill for one of those for her room!!! we've been looking for one for a while and haven't been able to find one. and, no deleting my comments so that ames can be first!!!!
it doesn't count because blogspot is blocked at school!!!!
i only get online once at night, and if you don't post by 10:00-10:30 on a weeknight, then forget it. geeg will beat me because she's a night owl!!!
anywho.....i agree. it's a tad stupid to have 4 days.
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