So the project is has begun. I am going to show you how I knitted and felted an adorable little change purse with a zipper on the top {gasp!}. Yes, that is right an actual zipper. To be honest the zipper bothers me more than any part fo the project!
I bought the yarn and started knitting on Saturday. I could hardly wait to start! It looks kind of blue in these pictures, but it is a beautiful shade of purple. I finished the knitting part of the project late Sunday night. I just could not stop till I was done. I was so tired I was nodding off while I knitted, but I managed to finish just before midnight.
I am not too much of a night owl, so that was late for me.

I was surprised at how large it was. I know the idea is that it will shrink or felt, but it was hard to imagine how much it would change. I also had to knit this adorable little 'bobble', it will be attached to the zipper pull as an embellishment. Fun!
When the knitting was done I forced myself to stop for the night with plans to felt the project Monday evening. Monday, I went back to my directions and re-read the felting guidlines carefully. The water in your top-load washer has to be very hot. So I started the washer, and dropped it in as directed as soon as the washer started agitating.
I checked it along the way, at first nothing was happening, then... excitement! It started transforming! I checked it several times and when I was satisfied I took it, and the bobble out and rinsed them in the sink in cold water. This stops the felting process. As I reshaped it, I noticed two problems. First, that it was not as small as I was expecting it to be, so I suspect I stopped too soon. Then I saw that one of the side seams had pulled loose. I think it looks fine and fun as far as the texture, but I am not satisfied with the size. So, my plan is that tonight I will fix the side seam and put it back in the washer for another round. If it felts further, I will finish it as directed, if not, I may cut it down to size and re-sew it. I have some interesting ideas about that too.
There are just so many directions I could take this tiny little bag. I had so much fun with this that I can't wait to finish it and try again! Maybe something larger next time! Of course I still have to conquer the zipper closure and attach the bobble. I will post a final picture of the completed project in a day or two when it is complete, but I could not wait until then to share. 

I think the whole process is very interesting. It seems almost scientific! I can't believe I just figured this out. Where in the world has my mind been for the past 10 years? How did I function without my knitting and now felting?
that is awesome! ok... so you have to come and check out my {new} blog!! it's at hopefully i'll remember the password to this one..
so cool!!!!!
i am bummed that someone beat me to commenting! i just knew i'd be the first one!
you are the coolest evah!!! love love love the felting. so impressed.
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