I got roped into a lengthy discussion on life insurance right before it was time to leave tonight. If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE to talk about life insurance. Yes, I know, that makes me a freak. I am trying to help a couple who are almost at retirement age deal with a term policy that is about to expire... Monday. They have to make a decision TOMORROW. This discussion began about 6 weeks ago. So there will most likely be nothing in it for me, since it probably won't involve a new application, but nevertheless, I really, really, really enjoy helping this couple find a plan that will get them throught the next 20 years.
So, I am sure you are about asleep by now, if you have even gotten this far into my post, but here comes the creative part.... I am going to felt something again tonight! So excited about that. I just wish it was in a different color. I like the purple wool, but I want to do another color now. It always comes down to the same problem, budget. Ugh! I so want to go to Loops tomorrow and get some of that delicious yarn!!! It will not happen this week. Maybe next week. I wonder if I can convince anyone to go with me when it is time??? Maybe you?

I'm convinced! I'll go to Loops with you!!!
I hope you find the right policy for that couple. It's very sweet of you to work so hard with them.
I won't be at school again tomorrow. Colby-man has strep throat.
What are you felting tonight? I knitted a scarf today. I think I need to stretch myself and find something different to knit, or just make a scarf with an actually pattern other than knitting every row!
I am making another change purse, but this one is from a different pattern. I am headed back in a few minutes to put it in the washer. Magic will be happening, right here.
Forgot to tell you, guess what? Our AC is not working in the house! Ugh!
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