What a day! I love the way the sky looks as a thunder storm rolls in! I noticed at around 4:00 that the sky got really dark. Our office is surrounded by windows, floor to ceiling on 2 sides facing North and West. Around 4:30, my boss said we could go home early. He seemed to think maybe we could beat the storm home. Well that did not happen. I stepped out the door and took this picture before dashing to the car, just as it started pouring rain. As I drove north down Harvard from 81st street towards 21st it poured rain and hailed on and off. The largest hail was probably marble size and most of it was only pea sized, so it was not too bad. The traffic was terrible, though and it took forever to get home.

While I watched I finished up my felted coin purse. I installed the zipper. It was a little tricky. After two tries I finally got it right, or as close to right as it will ever be. Here it is. Finished. Now that it is done, I am anxious to try something else. I hope you were not too bored with my project. It was exciting for me, but I am totally enraptured by knitting and felting!
Cool project! I really like the color you chose too. : )
Thanks Debbie. It was fun. The zipper was tough, but the felting was amazing!
I love the finished product! You are so talented!!!!
love love love lisa... soo cool.. you have to teach me how to knit sometime... also... you need to come and see my wonderful new art work on my blog.. love you!
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